This commit is contained in:
Michael Chalupiak 2024-11-06 21:07:46 -05:00
parent 57c76fc044
commit 967c00aebf
3 changed files with 76 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ vim.opt.showmode = false
vim.opt.smartindent = true vim.opt.smartindent = true
vim.opt.spell = true
vim.opt.spelllang = "en_us"
vim.opt.swapfile = false vim.opt.swapfile = false
vim.opt.backup = false vim.opt.backup = false
vim.opt.undodir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.vim/undodir" vim.opt.undodir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.vim/undodir"

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@ -39,59 +39,79 @@ background = ${xrdb:background}
foreground = ${xrdb:foreground} foreground = ${xrdb:foreground}
override-redirect = true override-redirect = true
wm-restack = bspwm wm-restack = bspwm
font-0 = Olympe Mono Hacked:style=Regular:pixelsize=13;2 font-0 = Olympe Mono Hacked:style=Regular:pixelsize=20;2
font-1 = Cascadia Code:style=Regular:pixelsize=13:2 font-1 = CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font:style=Regular:pixelsize=20:2
font-2 = NotoColorEmoji:pixelsize=16 font-2 = NotoColorEmoji:pixelsize=20
font-3 = Font Awesome 5 Brands:style=Regular:size=13;2 font-3 = Font Awesome 6 Brands:style=Regular:size=20;2
font-4 = Font Awesome 5 Free Solid:style=Regular:size=9;2 font-4 = Font Awesome 6 Free Solid:style=Regular:size=20;2
height = 20 height = 36
line-size = 2 line-size = 2
modules-left = bspwm modules-left = bspwm
modules-right = music pulseaudio battery network redshift datetime modules-right = music memory filesystem xkeyboard network redshift pulseaudio backlight tray battery datetime
padding = 3 padding = 0
module-margin = 1.5 module-margin = 1.5
#[module/apple] [module/tray]
#type = custom/text type = internal/tray
#content = 
type = internal/xkeyboard
format = 󰌌 <label-layout>
type = internal/fs
mount-0 = /
format-mounted =  <label-mounted>
label-mounted = %used% / %total%
type = internal/memory
format = <label>
label =  %used%
[module/bspwm] [module/bspwm]
type = internal/bspwm type = internal/bspwm
label-focused = %name% label-focused = %icon%
label-focused-underline= ${xrdb:foreground} label-focused-underline= ${xrdb:foreground}
label-focused-foreground = ${xrdb:background}
label-focused-background = ${xrdb:foreground}
label-focused-padding = 1 label-focused-padding = 1
label-focused-font = 0 label-focused-font = 0
label-occupied = %name% label-occupied = %icon%
label-occupied-foreground = ${xrdb:foreground}
label-occupied-underline = ${xrdb:foreground}
label-occupied-padding = 1 label-occupied-padding = 1
label-occupied-font = 0 label-occupied-font = 0
label-urgent = %name%! label-urgent = %icon%
label-urgent-foreground = ${xrdb:color1}
label-urgent-underline = ${xrdb:color1}
label-urgent-padding = 1 label-urgent-padding = 1
label-urgent-font = 0 label-urgent-font = 0
label-empty = %name% label-empty = %icon%
label-empty-foreground = ${xrdb:foreground}
label-empty-padding = 1 label-empty-padding = 1
label-empty-font = 0 label-empty-font = 0
;extra icons to choose from ;extra icons to choose from
; ;
;       v     ;       v    
ws-icon-0 = Web; ws-icon-0 = 1;a
ws-icon-1 = Term; ws-icon-1 = 2;b
ws-icon-2 = School; ws-icon-2 = 3;c
ws-icon-3 = Game; ws-icon-3 = 4;d
ws-icon-4 = Music; ws-icon-4 = 5;e
ws-icon-5 = Chat; ws-icon-5 = 6;f
ws-icon-6 = Sys; ws-icon-6 = 7;g
ws-icon-7 = Dev; ws-icon-7 = 8;h
ws-icon-8 = Extra; ws-icon-8 = 9;i
;ws-icon-9 = 10; ;ws-icon-9 = 10;
ws-icon-default = " " ws-icon-default = " "
#; Separator in between workspaces #; Separator in between workspaces
#; label-separator = | # label-separator = |
# #
;[module/music] ;[module/music]
@ -105,16 +125,27 @@ ws-icon-default = " "
[module/battery] [module/battery]
type = internal/battery type = internal/battery
battery = BAT0 battery = BAT1
adapter = ADP0 adapter = ADP0
format-charging = <ramp-capacity> format-charging = 󰂄 <label-charging>
format-discharging = <ramp-capacity> format-discharging = <ramp-capacity> <label-discharging>
ramp-capacity-0 = "" label-discharging = %percentage%%
ramp-capacity-1 = "" label-charging = %percentage%%
ramp-capacity-2 = "" label-full = 󱟢 %percentage%%
ramp-capacity-3 = "" # ramp-capacity-0 = ""
ramp-capacity-4 = "" ramp-capacity-0 = "󰁺"
# ramp-capacity-1 = ""
ramp-capacity-1 = "󰁼"
# ramp-capacity-2 = ""
ramp-capacity-2 = "󰁾"
# ramp-capacity-3 = ""
ramp-capacity-3 = "󰂀"
# ramp-capacity-4 = ""
ramp-capacity-4 = "󰁹"
type = internal/backlight
format = 󰌵 <label>
[module/pulseaudio] [module/pulseaudio]
type = internal/pulseaudio type = internal/pulseaudio
@ -132,7 +163,7 @@ interval = 5
; <label-volume> (default) ; <label-volume> (default)
; <ramp-volume> ; <ramp-volume>
; <bar-volume> ; <bar-volume>
format-volume = <label-volume> format-volume = <ramp-volume> <label-volume>
; Available tags: ; Available tags:
; <label-muted> (default) ; <label-muted> (default)
; <ramp-volume> ; <ramp-volume>
@ -147,7 +178,7 @@ label-volume = %percentage%%
; Available tokens: ; Available tokens:
; %percentage% (default) ; %percentage% (default)
; %decibels% ; %decibels%
label-muted = muted label-muted =  %percentage%%
; Only applies if <ramp-volume> is used ; Only applies if <ramp-volume> is used
ramp-volume-0 = ramp-volume-0 =
@ -155,14 +186,15 @@ ramp-volume-1 = 
ramp-volume-2 = ramp-volume-2 =
; Right and Middle click ; Right and Middle click
click-right = kitty -e pulsemixer click-right = st -e pulsemixer
; click-middle = ; click-middle =
[module/network] [module/network]
type = internal/network type = internal/network
interface = enp4s0 interface = wlan0
label-disconnected = " Not connected" label-disconnected = "󰖪"
label-connected = "" label-connected = " %essid%:%local_ip%"
click-left = st -e iwctl
[module/redshift] [module/redshift]
type = custom/text type = custom/text
@ -172,4 +204,4 @@ click-right = redshift -x
[module/datetime] [module/datetime]
type = internal/date type = internal/date
date = %a %b %d %I:%M %p date = %a %b %d %I:%M:%S %p