# kak-tree-sitter default configuration file. # # It is highly recommended for users to copy that file and edit it manually if they need to add support for languages # not present yet. # List of features to be enabled/disabled. Most of those features can be # overriden in the user configuration, or even on the CLI — see --with-* flags. [features] highlighting = true text_objects = true [highlight] # Top-level highlight capture group declarations. If your grammars uses a capture group that is not defined here, you # have to add it to the list. groups = [ "attribute", "comment", "comment.block", "comment.line", "constant", "constant.builtin", "constant.builtin.boolean", "constant.character", "constant.character.escape", "constant.macro", "constant.numeric", "constant.numeric.float", "constant.numeric.integer", "constructor", "diff.plus", "diff.minus", "diff.delta", "diff.delta.moved", "embedded", "error", "function", "function.builtin", "function.macro", "function.method", "function.special", "hint", "include", "info", "keyword", "keyword.conditional", "keyword.control", "keyword.control.conditional", "keyword.control.except", "keyword.control.exception", "keyword.control.import", "keyword.control.repeat", "keyword.control.return", "keyword.directive", "keyword.function", "keyword.operator", "keyword.special", "keyword.storage", "keyword.storage.modifier", "keyword.storage.modifier.mut", "keyword.storage.modifier.ref", "keyword.storage.type", "label", "load", "markup.bold", "markup.heading", "markup.heading.1", "markup.heading.2", "markup.heading.3", "markup.heading.4", "markup.heading.5", "markup.heading.6", "markup.heading.marker", "markup.italic", "markup.link.label", "markup.link.text", "markup.link.url", "markup.link.uri", "markup.list.checked", "markup.list.numbered", "markup.list.unchecked", "markup.list.unnumbered", "markup.quote" , "markup.raw", "markup.raw.block", "markup.raw.inline", "markup.strikethrough", "namespace", "operator", "punctuation", "punctuation.bracket", "punctuation.delimiter", "punctuation.special", "special", "string", "string.escape", "string.regexp", "string.special", "string.special.path", "string.special.symbol", "string.symbol", "tag", "tag.error", "text", "type", "type.builtin", "type.enum.variant", "variable", "variable.builtin", "variable.other.member", "variable.parameter", "warning", ] # astro [language.astro.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/virchau13/tree-sitter-astro" pin = "4be180759ec13651f72bacee65fa477c64222a1a" [language.astro.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "astro.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.astro.queries.source.git] url = "https://git.sr.ht/~hadronized/kak-tree-sitter" pin = "862f6cd58b38d9d1b4abfb722b4a4b25bdae2586" [language.astro.queries] path = "runtime/queries/astro" # awk [language.awk.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/Beaglefoot/tree-sitter-awk" pin = "8eaa762d05cc67c0e2cc53a0a71750b3c16733c2" [language.awk.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "awk.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.awk.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.awk.queries] path = "runtime/queries/awk" # bash [language.bash.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-bash" pin = "275effdfc0edce774acf7d481f9ea195c6c403cd" [language.bash.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.cc", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "bash.so"] link_flags = ["-O3", "-lstdc++"] [language.bash.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.bash.queries] path = "runtime/queries/bash" # bass # TODO # beancount # TODO # bibtex [language.bibtex.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/latex-lsp/tree-sitter-bibtex" pin = "ccfd77db0ed799b6c22c214fe9d2937f47bc8b34" [language.bibtex.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "-o", "bibtex.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.bibtex.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.bibtex.queries] path = "runtime/queries/bibtex" # bicep # TODO # c [language.c.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-c" pin = "7175a6dd5fc1cee660dce6fe23f6043d75af424a" [language.c.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "-o", "c.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.c.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.c.queries] path = "runtime/queries/c" # cabal # TODO # cairo # TODO # capnp # TODO # clojure # TODO # cmake [language.cmake.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/uyha/tree-sitter-cmake" pin = "6e51463ef3052dd3b328322c22172eda093727ad" [language.cmake.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "../scanner.cc", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3", "-flto=auto", "-march=native"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "scanner.o", "-o", "cmake.so"] link_flags = ["-O3", "-lstdc++", "-flto=auto"] [language.cmake.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.cmake.queries] path = "runtime/queries/cmake" # comment [language.comment.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/stsewd/tree-sitter-comment" pin = "94c99a66bb5051d8321b5900aee92b76450c50ce" [language.comment.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "comment.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.comment.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.comment.queries] path = "runtime/queries/comment" # common-lisp # TODO # cpon # TODO # cpp [language.cpp.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-cpp" pin = "670404d7c689be1c868a46f919ba2a3912f2b7ef" [language.cpp.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.cc", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "cpp.so"] link_flags = ["-O3", "-lstdc++"] [language.cpp.queries.source.git] url = "https://git.sr.ht/~hadronized/kak-tree-sitter" pin = "b0ecb0d376c94d2fa4814816b41986bf5d735384" [language.cpp.queries] path = "runtime/queries/cpp" # crystal # TODO # c-sharp [language.csharp.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-c-sharp" pin = "92c0a9431400cd8b6b6ee7503f81da3ae83fc830" [language.csharp.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "csharp.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.csharp.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "be307a420480178c1bc443992c8336f6471b8b7b" [language.csharp.queries] path = "runtime/queries/c-sharp" # css [language.css.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-css" pin = "769203d0f9abe1a9a691ac2b9fe4bb4397a73c51" [language.css.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "css.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.css.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.css.queries] path = "runtime/queries/css" # cue # TODO # d # TODO # dart # TODO # devicetree # TODO # dhall # TODO # diff [language.diff.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/the-mikedavis/tree-sitter-diff" pin = "fd74c78fa88a20085dbc7bbeaba066f4d1692b63" [language.diff.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "-o", "diff.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.diff.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.diff.queries] path = "runtime/queries/diff" # dockerfile # TODO # dot # TODO # dtd # TODO # ecma # TODO # edoc # TODO # eex # TODO # ejs # TODO # elixir [language.elixir.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/elixir-lang/tree-sitter-elixir" pin = "511ea5e0088779e4bdd76e12963ab9a5fe99983a" [language.elixir.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "elixir.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.elixir.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "be307a420480178c1bc443992c8336f6471b8b7b" [language.elixir.queries] path = "runtime/queries/elixir" # elm # TODO # elvish # TODO # env # TODO # erb # TODO # erlang # TODO # esdl # TODO # fish [language.fish.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/ram02z/tree-sitter-fish" pin = "84436cf24c2b3176bfbb220922a0fdbd0141e406" [language.fish.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "../scanner.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3", "-march=native", "-flto=auto"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "scanner.o", "-o", "fish.so"] link_flags = ["-O3", "-flto=auto"] [language.fish.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.fish.queries] path = "runtime/queries/fish" # fortran # TODO # gdscript # TODO # git-attributes # TODO # git-commit [language.git-commit.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/the-mikedavis/tree-sitter-git-commit" pin = "db88cffa3952dd2328b741af5d0fc69bdb76704f" [language.git-commit.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "-o", "git-commit.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.git-commit.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.git-commit.queries] path = "runtime/queries/git-commit" # git-config # TODO # git-ignore # TODO # git-rebase # TODO # gleam # TODO # glsl # TODO # go [language.go.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-go" pin = "64457ea6b73ef5422ed1687178d4545c3e91334a" [language.go.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "-o", "go.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.go.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.go.queries] path = "runtime/queries/go" # godot-resource # TODO # gomod # TODO # gotmpl # TODO # gowork # TODO # graphql # TODO # hare # TODO # haskell [language.haskell.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-haskell" pin = "98fc7f59049aeb713ab9b72a8ff25dcaaef81087" [language.haskell.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "../scanner.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "scanner.o", "-o", "haskell.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.haskell.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.haskell.queries] path = "runtime/queries/haskell" # hcl # TODO # heex # TODO # hosts # TODO # html [language.html.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-html" pin = "86c253e675e7fdd1c0482efe0706f24bafbc3a7d" [language.html.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "../scanner.cc", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "html.so"] link_flags = ["-O3", "-lstdc++"] [language.html.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.html.queries] path = "runtime/queries/html" # hurl # TODO # iex # TODO # ini # TODO # java [language.java.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-java" pin = "09d650def6cdf7f479f4b78f595e9ef5b58ce31e" [language.java.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "-o", "java.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.java.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.java.queries] path = "runtime/queries/java" # javascript [language.javascript.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-javascript" pin = "f1e5a09b8d02f8209a68249c93f0ad647b228e6e" [language.javascript.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "javascript.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.javascript.queries.source.git] url = "https://git.sr.ht/~hadronized/kak-tree-sitter" pin = "834d348b85868fbe9033231e72f29be361346aeb" [language.javascript.queries] path = "runtime/queries/javascript" # jsdoc # TODO # json [language.json.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-json" pin = "73076754005a460947cafe8e03a8cf5fa4fa2938" [language.json.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "-o", "json.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.json.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.json.queries] path = "runtime/queries/json" # jsonnet # TODO # jsx [language.jsx.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-javascript" pin = "f1e5a09b8d02f8209a68249c93f0ad647b228e6e" [language.jsx.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "jsx.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.jsx.queries.source.git] url = "https://git.sr.ht/~hadronized/kak-tree-sitter" pin = "834d348b85868fbe9033231e72f29be361346aeb" [language.jsx.queries] path = "runtime/queries/jsx" # julia [language.julia.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-julia" pin = "2f885efd38a6a6abfefc81d53ecdd99812dcde69" [language.julia.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "-flto=auto", "../parser.c", "../scanner.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "-flto=auto", "parser.o", "scanner.o", "-o", "julia.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.julia.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.julia.queries] path = "runtime/queries/julia" # just # TODO # kdl # TODO # kotlin [language.kotlin.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/fwcd/tree-sitter-kotlin" pin = "a4f71eb9b8c9b19ded3e0e9470be4b1b77c2b569" [language.kotlin.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "kotlin.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.kotlin.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "f73e9a8d15fd5a87d472a49808baf42ba403f9bf" [language.kotlin.queries] path = "runtime/queries/kotlin" # latex [language.latex.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/latex-lsp/tree-sitter-latex" pin = "dfe891922ccd2e7cef52eccb2775e1b576727165" [language.latex.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "latex.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.latex.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.latex.queries] path = "runtime/queries/latex" # lean # TODO # ledger # TODO # llvm [language.llvm.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/benwilliamgraham/tree-sitter-llvm" pin = "1b96e58faf558ce057d4dc664b904528aee743cb" [language.llvm.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "-o", "llvm.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.llvm.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "e76020ddb93eeb051de606c24f92189c3fc55547" [language.llvm.queries] path = "runtime/queries/llvm" # llvm-mir # TODO # llvm-mir-yaml # TODO # lua # [language.lua.grammar.source.git] # url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter-grammars/tree-sitter-lua" # pin = "88e446476a1e97a8724dff7a23e2d709855077f2" # [language.lua.grammar] # path = "src" # compile = "cc" # compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] # compile_flags = ["-O3"] # link = "cc" # link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "lua.so"] # 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nix [language.nix.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/nix-community/tree-sitter-nix" pin = "763168fa916a333a459434f1424b5d30645f015d" [language.nix.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "nix.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.nix.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "be307a420480178c1bc443992c8336f6471b8b7b" [language.nix.queries] path = "runtime/queries/nix" # nu [language.nu.grammar.source.git ] url = "https://github.com/nushell/tree-sitter-nu" pin = "786689b0562b9799ce53e824cb45a1a2a04dc673" [language.nu.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "-o", "nu.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.nu.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "107763083405868f3679d8e12476ed0688896f87" [language.nu.queries] path = "runtime/queries/nu" # 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qml # TODO # r # TODO # racket # TODO # regex # TODO # rego # TODO # rescript # TODO # rmarkdown # TODO # robot # TODO # ron # TODO # rst # TODO # ruby [language.ruby.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-ruby" pin = "206c7077164372c596ffa8eaadb9435c28941364" [language.ruby.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.cc", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "c++" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "ruby.so"] link_flags = ["-O3", "-lstdc++"] [language.ruby.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.ruby.queries] path = "runtime/queries/ruby" # rust [language.rust.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-rust" pin = "0431a2c60828731f27491ee9fdefe25e250ce9c9" [language.rust.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "rust.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.rust.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "3e963b3c1b5eb4b5cd7f33b8ef6d6642de210a9b" [language.rust.queries] path = "runtime/queries/rust" # scss [language.scss.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/serenadeai/tree-sitter-scss" pin = "c478c6868648eff49eb04a4df90d703dc45b312a" [language.scss.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "scss.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.scss.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "be307a420480178c1bc443992c8336f6471b8b7b" [language.scss.queries] path = "runtime/queries/scss" # sage # TODO # scala # TODO # scheme [language.scheme.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/6cdh/tree-sitter-scheme" pin = "c0741320bfca6b7b5b7a13b5171275951e96a842" [language.scheme.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "-o", "scheme.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.scheme.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.scheme.queries] path = "runtime/queries/scheme" # scss # TODO # slint # TODO # smithy # TODO # sml # TODO # solidity # TODO # sql # TODO # sshclientconfig # TODO # starlark # TODO # svelte # TODO # sway # TODO # swift # TODO # tablegen # TODO # task # TODO # tfvars # TODO # toml [language.toml.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/ikatyang/tree-sitter-toml" pin = "8bd2056818b21860e3d756b5a58c4f6e05fb744e" [language.toml.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "toml.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.toml.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.toml.queries] path = "runtime/queries/toml" # tsq # TODO # tsx [language.tsx.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-typescript" pin = "b1bf4825d9eaa0f3bdeb1e52f099533328acfbdf" [language.tsx.grammar] path = "tsx/src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "tsx.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.tsx.queries.source.git] url = "https://git.sr.ht/~hadronized/kak-tree-sitter" pin = "b0ecb0d376c94d2fa4814816b41986bf5d735384" [language.tsx.queries] path = "runtime/queries/tsx" # twig # TODO # typescript [language.typescript.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-typescript" pin = "b1bf4825d9eaa0f3bdeb1e52f099533328acfbdf" [language.typescript.grammar] path = "typescript/src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "typescript.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.typescript.queries.source.git] url = "https://git.sr.ht/~hadronized/kak-tree-sitter" pin = "b0ecb0d376c94d2fa4814816b41986bf5d735384" [language.typescript.queries] path = "runtime/queries/typescript" # ungrammar # TODO # unison [language.unison.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/kylegoetz/tree-sitter-unison" pin = "1f505e2447fa876a87aee47ff3d70b9e141c744f" [language.unison.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.c", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "unison.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.unison.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "be307a420480178c1bc443992c8336f6471b8b7b" [language.unison.queries] path = "runtime/queries/unison" # uxntal # TODO # v # TODO # vala # TODO # verilog [language.verilog.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-verilog" pin = "902031343056bc0b11f3e47b33f036a9cf59f58d" [language.verilog.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "-o", "verilog.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.verilog.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "cb286b7a5df247057602f3bba3254b4c58093375" [language.verilog.queries] path = "runtime/queries/verilog" # vhdl # TODO # vhs # TODO # vue [language.vue.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/ikatyang/tree-sitter-vue" pin = "91fe2754796cd8fba5f229505a23fa08f3546c06" [language.vue.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.cc", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "vue.so"] link_flags = ["-O3", "-lstdc++"] [language.vue.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "be307a420480178c1bc443992c8336f6471b8b7b" [language.vue.queries] path = "runtime/queries/vue" # wast # TODO # wat # TODO # wgsl # TODO # wit # TODO # xit # TODO # xml [language.xml.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/RenjiSann/tree-sitter-xml" pin = "48a7c2b6fb9d515577e115e6788937e837815651" [language.xml.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "-o", "xml.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.xml.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.xml.queries] path = "runtime/queries/xml" # yaml [language.yaml.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/ikatyang/tree-sitter-yaml" pin = "0e36bed171768908f331ff7dff9d956bae016efb" [language.yaml.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../scanner.cc", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "scanner.o", "parser.o", "-o", "yaml.so"] link_flags = ["-O3", "-lstdc++"] [language.yaml.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7" [language.yaml.queries] path = "runtime/queries/yaml" # yuck # TODO # zig [language.zig.grammar.source.git] url = "https://github.com/maxxnino/tree-sitter-zig" pin = "0d08703e4c3f426ec61695d7617415fff97029bd" [language.zig.grammar] path = "src" compile = "cc" compile_args = ["-c", "-fpic", "../parser.c", "-I", ".."] compile_flags = ["-O3"] link = "cc" link_args = ["-shared", "-fpic", "parser.o", "-o", "zig.so"] link_flags = ["-O3"] [language.zig.queries.source.git] url = "https://github.com/helix-editor/helix" pin = "bc737404e8ad462b4101987730f4a76658d132ad" [language.zig.queries] path = "runtime/queries/zig"