2024-11-01 16:12:16 -04:00

49 lines
1.4 KiB

path = ""
name = "base16-shell"
themes-dir = "scripts"
hook = ". %f"
path = ""
name = "tinted-tmux"
# Check if tmux is in use and if it is, reload the config file
hook = "test -n \"$TMUX\" && tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf"
themes-dir = "colors"
path = ""
name = "tinted-fzf"
themes-dir = "sh"
path = ""
name = "tinted-qutebrowser"
themes-dir = "themes/default"
hook = "cp -f %f ~/.config/qutebrowser/"
theme-file-extension = ""
path = ""
name = "tinted-zathura"
themes-dir = "build_schemes/colors"
# hook = "cat ~/.config/zathura/config > ~/.config/zathura/zathurarc && cat %f >> ~/.config/zathura/zathurarc"
hook = "cp -f %f ~/.config/zathura/colors"
path = ""
name = "tinted-xresources"
themes-dir = "xresources"
hook = "cp -f %f ~/.theme.xresources"
path = ""
name = "tinted-alacitty"
themes-dir = "colors"
hook = "cp -f %f ~/.config/alacritty/colors"
#path = ""
#name = "tinted-kitty"
#themes-dir = "colors"
#hook = "cp -f %f ~/.config/kitty/theme.conf"